1. Legaroid's Chess Mac Os X
  2. Legaroid's Chess Mac Os Update
  3. Legaroid's Chess Mac Os Catalina

Welcome to the home of ExaChess!

ExaChess is a powerful, full-featured chess-database program for the Macintosh. It can manage a database of millions of master games, serve as a chessboard to play through games, and be used as atool to record and annotate your own games, to play games against thecomputer, or to play perfect endgames. See Features and Screenshots below to find out more, andOrdering for pricing, ordering and contact details.

ExaChess Lite is a freeware version of ExaChess which provides mostof the features of ExaChess in a version suitable for maintaining apersonal games collection. You can download ExaChess Lite from this web site.

ExaChess [Pro] 4.5b6, a beta version of the next releaseof ExaChess, is now available to registered users of ExaChess. You will need to goto the ExaChess Downloads page from within ExaChess to download it.

Mac Chess Software. World class chess database, analysis and game playing program for Mac World Computer Chess Software Champion Engine Suitable for all players from beginners to the World Chess Champion with human-like play Platform: Runs on any Mac.

  • Supports Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Load and save PGN files. Work with multiple databases simultaneously. Browse chess games, including variations. Enter moves, variations, comments. Setup board, copy/paste FEN. Search in Databases for text or positions.
  • I tried to remove Chess.app from my Mac: Moving to Trash: “Chess.app” can’t be modified or deleted because it’s required by macOS. Trying to change permissions for everyone in Get Info: The operation can’t be completed because you don’t have the necessary permission.
  • Deep Shredder 13 Mac 99.99 € The best chess for your computer. Made for the demanding customer who wants nothing but the best. Latest Shredder user interface The strongest and latest Shredder chess engine.

ExaChess Features

Both ExaChess and ExaChess Lite provide the following features:

  • Direct support (without conversion) of PGN, ChessBase (CBF), and NICBase databases, as well as ExaChess's own database formats.
  • Search across any number of databases or just a single database file by player name, event, year, result, ECO code, opening name, position, partial position, material, special game features, or any combination of these.
  • Resizable, customizable 2-D color board with smooth animation.
  • Flexible game parser that handles free-form text input, both algebraic and descriptive, including move and position evaluations, variations and text comments.
  • Records full tree of moves. Switch to variation or return to main line.
  • Shows opening tree (next moves for any opening position) with stats from the database. Quickly find matching games in database for any opening position.
  • Supports play against external 'chess engines' or against the database via the UCI protocol or Apple Events, including Fruit 2.1 (supplied), ZZZZZZ (supplied), Hiarcs, Crafty, GnuChess, and MacChess. Supports automatic annotation of chess games via the chess engines.

ExaChess has the features of ExaChess Lite plus the following:

  • No 256-game restriction on individual database files; no 8-database limit on the number of databases which can be simultaneously searched; and no limit on the number of game or database windows that can be open at once.
  • Printing of games with figurines, diagrams and full annotations.
  • Publication of games to a web page complete with animated chessboard and direct access to game positions by clicking on a move; or as formatted RTF text including figurines and diagrams.
  • Access to special website to download over 700,000 master games and more than 300 MB of Ken Thompson's endgame tables for perfect 5-piece endgames.

Screen shots

Chess games

Chess games are presented in a Game window that looks like this. Thewindow is resizable, you can use other chess fonts in place of the built-in piece set,and can set the color of the board and pieces.


Databases are shown through a database window. The window is resizableand the column widths are adjustable. The optional sidebar listsall databases in the ExaChess Games folder. Clicking on one or more databasesshows the games from those databases.Searching for games within such a selection of databases isvery easy and very fast: Enter information into any of the Players, Event,Result, Opening or No. field and ExaChess will filter the displayed games toonly those that match the entered information. In addition you can do a widerange of positional searches through a simple dialog.

Database list

Databases aresimply placed in the ExaChess Games folder and can then be accessed from theGames menu or the sidebar of a database window. The All Databases window lists all thedatabases, their formats, and the number of games in them.

What's New in ExaChess 4

The major new features of ExaChess are as follows:

ExaChess 4.0 has over 100 feature improvements and bug fixes to theprevious release. Among them:

  • Universal Binary ExaChess now runs native under Intel as well as PPC. ExaChess requires OS X 10.3.9 or later; users wanting a version that runs under earlier releases of OS X need to use ExaChess 3.1.3.
  • Application Package. ExaChess is now distributed as an application package represented by a single icon. There is no longer a separate ExaChess Games or Tools folder to install.
  • Improved OS X Appearance. ExaChess now looks much more like a modern OS X application (smoothed fonts, updated dialogs etc)
  • Support for UCI Engines. ExaChess now supports UCI Engines. The very strong Fruit 2.2.1 engine is now included in the ExaChess distribution.
  • Improved Reliability with Large Databases. ExaChess has been extensively tested with large databases up to 4 million games. Databases of over 80,000 games are now kept as a bundle or package (a single Finder icon) avoiding past problems with an over-large resource fork.
  • Sidebar with Database List. The All Databases list is now shown as a sidebar at the left side of any database window. Clicking on a database or set of databases changes the window to show that database or a view of the selected databases.
  • Views. Views have been radically overhauled: A new view now shows all games immediately and opens instantly. Selecting a folder from the Games menu or double clicking it in the All Databases window opens a new view of all databases in the folder. Selecting New View from the database window opens a view of all games of the selected databases in the All Databases window.
  • Web Export. Chess games exported to the web are now compatible with a much wider variety of browsers, including Safari, Firefox, Opera, Camino; and on Windows: IE6, IE7 and Firefox. Templates now use style sheets and avoid frames and tables.
  • Checking for Updates. ExaChess now checks automatically for updates and notifies you when an updated release is available.

And for users wanting to buy ExaChess:

  • Electronic Delivery. ExaChess is now delivered entirely over the Internet. ExaChess customers can directly download the 600K master-level games (150 MB) and 33 endgame tablebases (300 MB); there is no longer any need to wait for airmail delivery of a CD.

Changes between 4.1 and 4.0.2


ExaChess 4.1 is a minor update of 4.0.2, making the following three changes. The changesaffect the support files only - the main application is unchanged from 4.0.2:

  • A Spanish language module has been added. Thank you to Carlos Fernando González for thetranslation.
  • The ExaChess Downloader script (which runs on selecting File > Download Games) has been updated to accommodate a change in the site hosting TWIC games. This change was made silently in 4.0.2copies downloaded after April 2010.
  • The ExaChess Updater script (which runs automatically or by selectingExaChess > Check for Updates) has been updated so it now runs under Mac OS 10.7 Lion. HOWEVER, it requires some changes to run on PowerPCsystems - contact us for more information.

What can I do with ExaChess?

If you use a Mac and enjoy chess, whether as a casual player wanting a bit of fun or as a serious student of the game, then ExaChess has something to offer you.

ExaChess as a chess database. If you haven'tused a chess database before, here's what you can do with ExaChess and areasonably sized game collection:

  • Use it for entertainment. Pick a game at random and play through it -- choose a game by one of the leading grandmasters from a recent tournament, or a classic win by a past champion, or a quick win in one of your favourite openings, or a recent pawn and rook ending. A chess database gives you instant replays at a pace you control of thousands of entertaining games.
  • Study openings. Assemble a collection of games in one of your favorite openings, or defenses, or a new line you are trying to learn. Find what other players have played in the same positions, and with what success ratios. Play against the database to check for holes in your opening repertoire or to check your memory. Explore deviations off the main line.
  • Study middlegame themes and combinations. Look for combinations and sacrifices. Find how the Masters proceed as a particular opening line moves into the middlegame.
  • Study endgames. Find where a rook draws against rook and pawn. When do bishops of opposite color draw and when don't they?
  • Prepare a database. Build a database of your own games, or of games from a recent or historical event. ExaChess has a powerful game parser to extract games with annotations from a wide range of text sources. It allows fast duplicate finding and removal, easy merging of games with other databases, conversion of databases to other file formats, and can use databases in other file formats without conversion.

ExaChess as a chessboard. It's easy to move thepieces, take back moves, add annotations, keep a move tree of all the linesyou explore.

  • Play through a game. It's quicker than setting up a board. You can instantly wind the game back or forward to any point. Move entry is easy: type the moves, choose them from a menu, drag pieces with the mouse, or use the move prediction feature to just click on the destination square and have ExaChess play the most likely piece to that square.
  • Use as an analysis board. It's ideal for correspondence chess. Try out and save all your candidate moves and all sidelines of play with all their sub-sidelines. Once you investigate any line of play, you have it forever. No more going back through the same lines, over and over. Add comments. ExaChess makes it easy to keep detailed annotations on any number of games in progress. A huge advantage over analyzing with a board and pieces.

ExaChess as a chess partner. Its built-in enginelets you play against the database to test your opening repertoire. It workswith external chess engines, providing the user interface while a chessplaying program calculates the moves, and can host a match between two chessplaying programs.

  • Play speed chess against the computer. Or play serious games. Practise banging out opening moves in your favorite lines, or checkmating your opponent when you have a large material edge but only seconds left on the clock.
  • Analyse your own games. Play through them again. Ask a chess engine to find its best move in a critical position, or to annotate the whole game. Play against the computer in a side variation -- can you still win?

ExaChess as a chess publisher. It can directlyprint games with full formatting, figurines and diagrams. It can export asingle game or a whole database of games with formatting, figurines, anddiagrams in RTF (Rich Text Format) format for import into word processors orpage layout programs.

  • Annotate your own games and print the analysis. Write your own book of best games.
  • Publish a book on an opening you've studied with example games from the database.

Legaroid's Chess Mac Os X

Home * Software * Mac OS

Mac OS,
is a series of GUI based operating systems developed, marketed and sold by Apple Inc. for their Macintosh line of computer systems since 1984, with its range of processors from 68000, PowerPC, x86 and x86-64[1]. Mac OS X, released in 2002, developed from Mac OS classic family, and NeXTSTEP, was UNIX-based.

  • 1Chess Programs
    • 1.1GUI Screenshots
  • 2Forum Posts

GUI Screenshots


MacintoshSigma Chess 6.2 with HIARCS[2]


XBoard port with native Quarz interface, so that X11/XQuartz is no longer needed [3][4]


2010 ...

  • good macintosh guy for UCI engine development by Sam Hamilton, CCC, January 25, 2012 » GUI, UCI
  • Mac OS X chess engines - digital signature for Apple? by Norbert Raimund Leisner, CCC, February 02, 2013
  • OSX Xboard/Winboard.app 4.7.2 Release Thread by Joshua Pettus, Winboard Forum, October 15, 2013
  • OSX Xboard 4.7.2 .app by Joshua Pettus, CCC, October 16, 2013 » XBoard
  • XBoard native Mac App by Harm Geert Muller, Hiarcs Forum, December 18, 2013 » XBoard
  • The upcoming Y2038 catastrophe by Steven Edwards, CCC, September 25, 2014

2015 ...

  • XBoard for Mac: Zippy problems by Steven Edwards, CCC, August 29, 2015 » CECP, XBoard
  • Re: Linux Version of Maverick 1.5 by Michael Dvorkin, CCC, November 12, 2015 » BitScan, Population Count, Maverick
  • Distributing engines for Mac/OSX by Harm Geert MullerCCC, March 17, 2016
  • Xboard sluggish on OSX by Marcel van Kervinck, CCC, March 12, 2016 » XBoard
  • OS X by Robert Hyatt, CCC, March 22, 2016 [5]
  • Cfish update -> macOS exe's for download by Michael B, CCC, November 13, 2017 » CFish
  • asmfishX - macOS by Michael B, CCC, November 23, 2017 » AsmFish
  • Lc0 - macOS binary requested by Steppenwolf, CCC, February 09, 2019 » Leela Chess Zero

2020 ...

  • List of bugfree, opensource Linux and MacOSX engines by Oliver Brausch, CCC, November 08, 2020

Legaroid's Chess Mac Os Update

  • Chess (application) from Wikipedia » Sjeng
  • Mac Chess Engines Repository hosted by Julien Marcel
  1. Apple's transition to Intel processors
  2. Macintosh Chess: Sigma Chess HIARCS Chess Software Program
  3. OSX Xboard 4.7.2 .app by Joshua Pettus, CCC, October 16, 2013
  4. XBoard native Mac App by Harm Geert Muller, Hiarcs Forum, December 18, 2013
  5. Xcode from Wikipedia

Legaroid's Chess Mac Os Catalina

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