Welcome to the sABR software!
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SimHERAis our next generation of simulation software for Human Evoked Response Audiometry and it includes our inaugural sABR software. There are MANY new features in SimHERA such as simulators for electrocochleography(EcochG), cortical auditory evoked potentials (CAEPs), and tympanomtery. SimHERA also comes with patient setup for electrode preparation and placement on 3D head models which determines the electrodes’ impedances and common-mode rejection ratios that affect amount of EEG noise. Please click here on SimHERAor icon above for more details.
SimHERA will be a free update for those who already have purchased sABR this year with an added surprise bonus!
Due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, universities and instructors around the world have been challenged with shifting our courses to online delivery that involves remote learning and assessment. For the past decade, I have been teaching the electrophysiology course to clinical audiology students at the University of British Columbia. The sudden shift of this course to online delivery has been demanding for me and the students because the course has many hands-on lab components that evaluate students’ clinical competencies. Fortunately, I developed over the years a simulated Auditory Brainstem Response (sABR) software that allows students to conduct real-time clinical ABR testing on simulated cases from pediatric and adult populations. Cases can have various types of hearing status (typical, conductive, sensorineural, retrocochlear, and auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder) with any user-defined audiogram configuration. Because the sABR software can be run on the students’ personal computers with a valid sABR license (Windows and Mac OS supported), students are able conduct ABR lab assignments and exams at home. The sABR software was designed from decades of literature on clinical ABR testing in order to teach the ABR protocols and procedures recommended in many EHDI programs.
To help support my fellow instructors during this unprecedented time, sABR is being offered at a discounted educational price for institutions instructing students. Please click on sABR FlintBox page here for the *Special Institutional Price* in US dollars. In addition, a purchase of multiple (≥5) student licenses will have one of those licenses upgraded to the instructor version for free. Please contact me for more details at aherdman@audiospeech.ubc.ca.
If you are interested and want to try sABR to see if it will meet your needs, then there is a 30-day free trial with limited functionality. Please visit sABR’s FlintBox here to obtain you free trial.
Thank you for your patience during this time. I will do my best to continue to support your endeavors in providing quality instruction to the current and future generations of audiologists.
A special thank you to all those who are working on the front lines.
Wishing everyone health and wellness!
Tony Herdman, PhD
Note:Mac OS (10.15) Catalina is not backward compatible with many apps that could run on Mojave. sABR v10.2 was tested to run on Mac OS (10.15) Catalina as of April 25, 2020 and there have been successful installation since. If you have installation problems on Catalina, please email aherdman@audiospeech.ubc.ca for information about manually installing sABR v10.2.
sABR v10.2 Full-version (Annual License)
sABR v10.1 Full-version (Annual License)
sABR v10.0 Full-version (Annual License)
A free 30-day trial license of sABR software is available with limited functionality, allowing users to simulate ABRs for a normal hearing infant.
Installation update (June 4, 2020):
Note:If you are running installation on a slow internet connection then a “Connection Error” might popup. To resolve this, please click “OK” on the Error popup and then the “Next” button on the Installer again (see image below). This might take 1 or 2 tries to get a recognized connection to MathWorks. If the error persists , then contact Dr. Herdman at aherdman@audiospeech.ubc.ca to do a manual installation.
Update for Mac OS installation (June 4, 2020):Running the sABR installation from your desktop as shown in the video may not work due to permission settings if you are not the administrator user (aka super user). If this occurs then place the sABR installation application in the “Applications” folder.
Also, Mac OS is often set to not allow third party applications to install. You will need to change your Mac OS security setting to allow for third party app installations. Here is a guide on how to get your “Allow apps downloaded from:” “Anywhere” selection back. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFpVqkyXFy4 (Disclaimer: This link is for educational purposes only and I hold no responsibility for any damage to your computer. It is recommended to disallow third-party app once sABR is installed. )
Note:Mac OS (10.15) Catalina is not backward compatible with many apps that could run on Mojave. sABR v10.2 was tested to run on Mac OS (10.15) Catalina as of April 25, 2020 and there have been successful installation since. If you have installation problems on Catalina, please email aherdman@audiospeech.ubc.ca for information about manually installing sABR v10.2.
Basic Introduction to sABR (Part 1 and Part 2)
Part 1:
Part 2:
There are an infinite number of possible cases!
There are two main ways to simulate cases in sABR in both student and instructor versions in open mode:
To create a specific case for an assignment or exam, use the instructor version of sARB and turn on “Instructor View” to generate a case while in that assignment then save it for distribution to your class (see question below for more details).
Yes, but you can only do this in sABR v10.2 and you need to set the EEG noise state to “Stable” so that the students will be able to work on the case. The reason for doing this is the session time is relative to the actual time that you created the case; therefore, the session time will likely be over by the time your students. By setting the EEG noise state to “stable” this ensures that the EEG doesn’t shift to an awake state once the session has timed out and that your students will be able to record data when they open the case. The unfortunate result of this work around is that the students will have an infinite amount of time to conduct the assignment. A short tutorial on how to create as single case using sABR v10.2 is available on the sABR “Tutorial” website. You can also directly view it on YoutTube by clicking on here. sABR is being updated (v10.3) to allow the session duration and session begin time to be set in the instructor version so that the session time begins at zero when uploaded by the students.
Note though, in sABR v9.5 to v10.2, students can still run randomly generated cases with randomly assigned sessions times as if they were performing tests within a clinical situation.
Q#3. sABR v10.0 now includes a “Student” and “Instructor” version? What are these and how do they differ?
A brief video on the sABR webpage (click updates tab above) describes the “Student” and “Instructor” sABR V10.0. Briefly, both student and instructor versions can be run in an open-mode which gives full access to all features and options. In the assignment/exam modes the student-version will be blinded to specific information and students will be unable to click on certain functions that would allow them to “inadvertently” see the true results.
Q#4. When I have access to my university based office after we return from the COVID restrictions; would I be permitted to install this on my computer at work or would I need to purchase a new license?
I fully appreciate the work restrictions due to COVID pandemic and thus users with “internet-based” licenses will be able to switch their license to their work/university computer when they return. You will need to go through the same installation process on your work computer to get the sABR code. This is one of the reasons why I’m recommending “internet-based” licensing – it allows me to do this. For local-client sABR licenses, you will need to purchase a new license.
Q#5. I have Mac OS 10.15 (Catalina) and am getting an error with opening the sABR installer. Can you help with this?
Unfortunately, I just found out that Mac OS (10.15) Catalina is not backward compatible with many apps that could run on Mac OS (10.14) Mojave. If you have Mojave, please do NOT upgrade to Catalina at this time. I’m working on a solution. Sorry for the inconvenience.
A possible interim solution to this issue is to install and run sABR v10.0 on the Windows 10 for Mac (https://support.apple.com/en-ca/HT201468) using the Boot Camp helper. Please check with Apple about the cost and how to install Windows 10 for your Mac running OS 10.15 (Catalina).
Update:Mac OS (10.15) Catalina is not backward compatible with many apps that could run on Mojave. sABR v10.2 was tested to run on Mac OS (10.15) Catalina as of April 25, 2020 and there have been successful installation since. If you have installation problems on Catalina, please email aherdman@audiospeech.ubc.ca for information about manually installing sABR v10.2.
Q#6. What are the electrode setups for the adults and pediatric cases?
The wave amplitudes and latencies in sABR are based on studies that used the Cz to mastoid configuration for adult cases and the high-forehead to mastoid for pediatric cases.
Q#7. When acquiring the tone bursts/pips I am assuming that is an alternating polarity?
Yes, tone-evoked ABR are recorded for alternating stimulus polarities. If you want to get the ABRs for the rarefaction and condensation polarities then you can use the “Split Buffer” function on the alternating tone-evoked ABR waveform. One split buffer is rarefaction and the other is condensation.
Q#8. I understand how to access the randomized cases and many of the types of losses are pre-loaded. I was curious if you add in your own audiogram (such as 23 month old with unilateral HL).
Yes, you can configure it however you like when in the “Student version” (aka “Open”) mode. When in assignment mode, the cases are randomized for that particular type of assignment. The instructor version, however allows you to make your own specific cases within the assignment mode and then save them so that student can open them up on their student versions when you want all of the students to work on the exact same case.
Note that assignment#1 allows student to see the audiogram because it is meant to evaluate retrocohlear ABR screening; whereas assignment#2 locks out such viewing of information because it’s evaluating students ability to conduct pediatric ABR diagnostic testing.
Q. As far as the program. I’m using this on my personal laptop so this might be the problem but I was running an ABR for an infant and wanted to show the CM (rare and cond waveform) as well as finding threshold for 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000Hz. I can only see about 7 waveforms on the screen. Is there a way to expand view so that all waveforms are visible?
Yes, you can set the y-scale to be whatever you like. The default is 0 1.5 microV. The plot function will automatically group ABRs by intensity and equally separate the groups of intensities along the y-axis. The separation thus depends on the number of intensities of the selected ABR files to plot and the range of the y-scale.
Q#9. Is it possible to print the completed ABR?
Yes, two ways.
Option 1) There is a “Save Page” next to the page drop-down menu “Acquire” that will take a screen show of the current page and save it in the directory of your choice. Currently, you will need to click on each page and save each page individually.
Option 2) you can use your computer’s “screen shot” or “print screen” functions to capture the sABR page. In Windows 8/10 there is “Snipping Tool” usually installed that I find helpful for taking a rectangular snip around the waveforms. Mac OS also has a rectangular snip function by holding down the following keys (Command + Shift + 4) while using the cursor to select the rectangular window.
Q#10. How much control in the full license do you have as an instructor to setting specific case types? Say a student is really struggling with vestibular schwannomas, can you make sure the student sees that type of patient or is it always randomized?
Similar question with more up-to-date answer (June 4, 2020) –> see Question #2 above.
Each case is fully randomized but if you want to create a specific individual case you can still do this. Use the instructor version under assignment #1 with the instructor permission as “unlocked”, set your case you want, then “Locked” the assignment and save the sABR data for that case. You can then send the case to the student(s) to load on their student version when they are under assignment #1.
Q#11. Can sABR be installed on an iPad, tablet, or chromebook?
No, iPads, tablets, and chromebooks do not have the necessary processing capabilities or operating software to run sABR.