I need the following custom layout (because of Vim or Bash): Esc Esc - Tab Tab - Caps Lock. Desired keyboard layout as an image. I have spent a lot of time to do it permanently, but without success. Neverwinter Nights: Pirates of the Sword Coast is a premium module for the computer game Neverwinter Nights that features sea-voyaging, pirate-style, swashbuckling adventure. 1 Gameplay 2 Plot 3 Index 3.1 Characters 3.2 Creatures 3.3 Locations 3.4 Magic 3.5 Organizations 3.6 Religions 3.7 Miscellaneous 4 Appendix 4.1 External Links 4.2 References 4.3 Connections The player takes the role of a. Free video game 'Netpanzer' v0.8.7 for Windows. Real-time strategy with tanks, multiplayer only, using direct IP connection or a few official servers (probably with no players). This version is dated 2016, a rare update after years, but the game was born at least in 1999. Official site; Sourceforge. Versions for Linux, Mac OS and Amiga also.

  1. Possession: Escape From The Nether Regions Mac Os X
  2. Possession: Escape From The Nether Regions Mac Os Catalina

I'm still alive and working!

Regions posted Jun 8, 2016, 12:02 PM by Zael [ updated Jun 8, 2016, 12:03 PM] Possession: Escape From The Nether Regions Mac OS

Possession: Escape From The Nether Regions Mac Os X

Possession: Escape From The Nether Regions Mac Os Catalina

I've had a few major set-backs in Development, but I am still working. Allow me to elaborate:
To give you some context, I live in Texas and we are currently in the middle of our monsoon season. It has been flooding in some areas of the state, and raining a lot. Basically this time of year it storms all the time. I also suffer from both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, both of which makes your joints ache when the weather is bad. As if this time of the year wasn't bad enough, something really terrible happened. I almost lost my project completely.
So...I had a major crash that got into my main hard drive, primary backup, and even my secondary backup when the apartments next to ours were struck by lightning about a month and a half ago. Thankfully no one was in the other apartment and no one was injured, but I did lose a lot of work when the power surged. I was using a Surge Protector, but that much energy being discharged that close to the device went right above and beyond what it was designed to take. Roughly two months of work gone, poof. I had to start my computer from a restore point a good ways back, wade through driver issues and a host of other problems just to get my computer working again.
I have finally recovered the project using a third party recovery program, and am taking a short break while I order my thoughts and get myself mentally prepared to resume working.
As you can imagine, even though I have recovered the work that I've lost, there are a lot of my plugins that need updating, new plugins to install, and an RPGMaker MV update has come out. Additionally I've been writing the story content during this time, so I have to get my mind back to a place in the early game.
I thank you all for following this project, it is by no means dead, and I look forward to bringing you more content soon.
Have a wonderful day, and if you're gaming may all your loots be phat!